Thursday 21 October 2010

Old Spice 2010 Ad

This ad is hilarious. It uses persuasive advertising to get the message across. The technique used is the "Hard Sell" as well as the "Soft Sell"  approach because it is both persuasive in providing reasons for purchasing, as well as appealing to the emotions of smell and wanting to look and feel good.

It is an ad directed not to the target audience, i.e. men who would use this cologne, but to women who would want their men to smell as good as he does.

In terms of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, I'd say this ad appeals to our "social needs". The actor/model claims that if you use this brand, you can show him he's special, and he can look good etc.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Why we study advertising

This is our take on why we should study advertising. Using key points from the assignment our group decided to create a small ad on advertising. We used popular music and bits from other ads and songs to keep our viewers entertained, which is a technique advertisers use to get their message across, according to our reading.

Before we show our ad in class we plan to run the following poster and magazine ad campaign to generate interest and create a buzz:




Here is the summary of the handout which we got the key points for ad from:

Why do we study advertising?

Summary and Paraphrasing of the Handout

Advertising plays four primary roles in business and society: marketing, communication, economic and societal roles.
Marketing is the way used by businesses to satisfy a consumer’s wants and needs by providing goods and services. A business can be selling goods (cars), services (insurance) or an idea (save electricity).  Products can be classified by their category, for instance Toyota is in the car category. The group of customers that a business caters to is known as the target market. Marketers also develop brands, which is basically the mark of distinction between two similar products in the market (e.g. Pepsi brand and Coca Cola).  Marketing tools include the product, the place it is being sold, the price it is sold for and the methods used in its promotion. These are the Four P’s of marketing, and Advertising is a part of Promotion.
Advertising is a form of communication between a customer and the business about the product which they sell. Advertising provides information, entertainment gets attention and tries to sell a company’s product. Advertising plays a role in branding and gives a product an image beside its facts. Advertising reaches large audiences, introduces new products and helps build awareness as well as making existing product users loyal to the brand. It reminds people to use the brand, it makes them believe they made the right choice in buying the brand and persuades them to buy. Advertising can create a positive images and ideas and beliefs about a brand.
 Advertising plays an economic role because it can generate sales. Advertising can create demand for a product using either a hard-sell approach which means advertisers persuade customers to buy by using reasons such as a good price, good value, good product or a soft-sell approach where ads just build an image that touches the emotions of consumers.  The hard sell approach in advertising is provides rational economical reasons to purchase. The soft sell is used to ensure a consumer will remain loyal to the brand even if prices change.
The social role played by advertising includes providing information about new and improved products and letting us know the latest trends in fashion and products. It provides an educational role, helps us set us ideals and images and gives us ways to identify and express ourselves by providing alternative styles for us to choose from.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Roger Federer Rolex Commercial 2009

1.     Psychographics are variables that marketers/advertisers collect relating to consumers personality, lifestyle, attitudes, values and motivations. Psychographics capture the psychological make up and reasons of a persons actions. This sort of information is very useful for marketers because it helps them to develop a product that can fit into their lifestyle. It can also help them to segment their market and focus on a specific persons needs. If you understand a consumers motivations, and their personality and lifestyle, it is also helpful in terms of advertising. For example if we discoer that a products target market has a psychographic profile of being rich, snobbish, spending a lot of money, wanting to be the best, wanting to be admired, luxurious lifestyle etc. then advertiers can focus their campaigns on making the product they sell seem like a luxury product or one that only rich people wear/use. 
2.     Our brand is Rolex and the lifestyle segment for people who would purchase it is achievers
3.     The brand we have chosen is Rolex. Of the VALS segmentation framework, the segment which best describes the lifestyle of a Rolex consumer would be the Achiever. Achievers are motivated by their desire to achieve, and are goal and family oriented. Typically they accept the status quo, which means they don’t really go for new and innovative products. Rolex is a well-established company that successful people are known to use. Thus, the values of the Rolex brand – success, achievement, stabile company with an established heritage and an old recognized name; well these are the types of values and the types of goals that an Achiever would have. They are committed to excellence, and a Rolex justifies their lifestyle completely. I consider myself to be an achiever because I believe in well known brands as well. 

Thursday 7 October 2010

ART & COPY Trailer

This is related to something we saw in class. I found it quite inspiring.